
This module contains methods for directly interacting with the _simulator.

class acnportal.acnsim.interface.Interface(simulator)

Interface between algorithms and the ACN Simulation Environment.


Returns a list of active EVs for use by the algorithm.

Returns:List of EVs currently plugged in and not finished charging
Return type:List[EV]

Returns the allowable pilot signal levels for the specified EVSE. One may assume an EVSE pilot signal of 0 is allowed regardless of this function’s return values.

Parameters:station_id (str) – The ID of the station for which the allowable rates should be returned.
Returns:If the range is continuous or not list[float]: The sorted set of acceptable pilot signals. If continuous this range will have 2 values
the min and the max acceptable values. [A]
Return type:bool

Get the current time (the current _iteration) of the simulator.

Returns:The current _iteration of the simulator.
Return type:int

Returns the phase angle of the EVSE.

Parameters:station_id (str) – The ID of the station for which the allowable rates should be returned.
Returns:phase angle of the EVSE. [degrees]
Return type:float

Returns the voltage of the EVSE.

Parameters:station_id (str) – The ID of the station for which the allowable rates should be returned.
Returns:voltage of the EVSE. [V]
Return type:float

Get the constraint matrix and corresponding EVSE ids for the network.

Returns:Matrix representing the constraints of the network. Each row is a constraint and each
Return type:np.ndarray

Get the demand charge for the given period. ($/kW)

Parameters:start (int) – Time step of the simulation where price vector should begin. If None, uses the current timestep of the simulation. Default None.
Returns:Demand charge for the given period. ($/kW)
Return type:float

Get the highest aggregate peak demand so far in the simulation.

Returns:Peak demand so far in the simulation. (A)
Return type:float
get_prices(length, start=None)

Get a vector of prices beginning at time start and continuing for length periods. ($/kWh)

  • length (int) – Number of elements in the prices vector. One entry per period.
  • start (int) – Time step of the simulation where price vector should begin. If None, uses the current timestep of the simulation. Default None.

Array of floats where each entry is the price for the corresponding period. ($/kWh)

Return type:


is_feasible(load_currents, linear=False, violation_tolerance=None, relative_tolerance=None)

Return if a set of current magnitudes for each load are feasible.

Wraps Network’s is_feasible method.

For a given constraint, the larger of the violation_tolerance and relative_tolerance is used to evaluate feasibility.

  • load_currents (Dict[str, List[number]]) – Dictionary mapping load_ids to schedules of charging rates.
  • linear (bool) – If True, linearize all constraints to a more conservative but easier to compute constraint by ignoring the phase angle and taking the absolute value of all load coefficients. Default False.
  • violation_tolerance (float) – Absolute amount by which schedule may violate network constraints. Default None, in which case the network’s violation_tolerance attribute is used.
  • relative_tolerance (float) – Relative amount by which schedule may violate network constraints. Default None, in which case the network’s relative_tolerance attribute is used.

If load_currents is feasible at time t according to this set of constraints.

Return type:



Return the actual charging rates in the last period for all active EVs.

Returns:A dictionary with the session ID as key and actual charging rate as value.
Return type:Dict[str, number]

Return the pilot signals that were applied in the last _iteration of the simulation for all active EVs.

Does not include EVs that arrived in the current _iteration.

Returns:A dictionary with the session ID as key and the pilot signal as value.
Return type:Dict[str, number]

Returns the maximum allowable pilot signal level for the specified EVSE.

Parameters:station_id (str) – The ID of the station for which the allowable rates should be returned.
Returns:the maximum pilot signal supported by this EVSE. [A]
Return type:float

Return the maximum recompute time of the simulator.

Returns:Maximum recompute time of the simulator in number of periods. [periods]
Return type:int

Returns the minimum allowable pilot signal level for the specified EVSE.

Parameters:station_id (str) – The ID of the station for which the allowable rates should be returned.
Returns:the minimum pilot signal supported by this EVSE. [A]
Return type:float

Return the length of each timestep in the simulation.

Returns:Length of each time interval in the simulation. [minutes]
Return type:int

Return the EV’s remaining demand in A*periods.

Returns:the EV’s remaining demand in A*periods.
Return type:float
exception acnportal.acnsim.interface.InvalidScheduleError

Raised when the schedule passed to the simulator is invalid.